Current Projects
A Vision for Hawk Hill
River City Company is issuing a Request for Information and Interest (RFI) to better understand the market and concepts for the redevelopment of Hawk Hill and adjacent parking lots located in downtown Chattanooga’s Riverfront District
Reinvigorating Our Riverfront
Utilizing the ideas of thousands of residents, property owners, local attractions and industry experts, this plan outline eight strategies to reinvest in and reinvigorate the Riverfront District.
Evolving Our Riverfront Parks
Thousands of residents have shared their thoughts and desires for the Riverfront Parks. Join the City of Chattanooga, Hamilton County along with River City Company and the Chattanooga Design Studio to see the updated design and provide feedback!
We Are Downtown
Highlighting the diversity the residents, employees, and business owners of our Downtown, the “We are Downtown” series tells the story of why Downtown Chattanooga is loved by so many. In combination with the short videos, we partnered with WUTC to tell more of their stories.
Reimagining Broad Street
Broad Street is the premier urban corridor in the City of Chattanooga and links two of the City's greatest assets - Downtown and the Riverfront. The community voiced a strong desire to develop a comprehensive and visionary plan for Broad Street.
Chattanooga Express CArd
Dine, Shop and Explore Downtown businesses and attractions with the Chattanooga Express Card, a new downtown dollars digital gift card program! The more you buy, the more bonus dollars you will receive to spend at your favorite business!