A Vision for Hawk Hill

A Vision for Hawk Hill

With the relocation of the Chattanooga Lookouts baseball team from AT&T Field to the U.S. Pipe & Wheland Foundry site, Hawk Hill will become available for redevelopment. Per the land transfer agreement with the City of Chattanooga, the current stadium will be demolished once the Chattanooga Lookouts have relocated to the new stadium. As downtown Chattanooga’s economic development non-profit, River City Company sought community input to assist in developing a comprehensive, long-term vision for the site to guide future redevelopment.

The process is comprised of three major components:
1) community input
downtown real estate market analysis data
3) urban planning

While currently there is not a timeline of when phased redevelopment could start on Hawk Hill, River City Company felt it was important to share the vision to provide the community with a context of how the site could evolve after the Chattanooga Lookouts depart and the stadium is demolished. Below are conceptual renderings of a vision of Hawk Hill that are reflective of the community input and economic conditions of the area.

Concepts for Possible Future REdevelopment

River City Company believes that there is a future for Hawk Hill to become a destination for all of our residents and visitors to enjoy. These conceptual images show what is possible based upon community feedback, land topography and economic data. Features of the concepts include MORE parking that what is currently available at the site, possibility for affordable, workforce and market-rate housing along with park space, retail and restaurants.

If you have feedback about the vision for Hawk Hill, would like us to answer any questions you have about the project, or are interested in learning more about the development process, please complete the form below and a staff member will respond to you.